The NTL - Starfinder Special

The Starfinder

MEADE's Starfinder is a very interesting Newtonian
telescope in the range from middle to big apertures.
Besides the Dobsonian type there is a scopeline with
german equatorial mounts, which isn't usual in the 8 to
10 inch Newtonian-class. Especially this equatorial
version makes the Starfinder a very attractive telescope!

The Website

This website shall figure out and collect data and facts
as well as tips, tricks, opinions and experience about
and with this telescope. There is much to say about this
scope and there's a lot of rumours around in lots of newsgroups and chats about the Starfinder. What's true about these rumours? What are the Starfinders' benefits? What are its weaknesses? What are practical workarounds? How can one improve the starfinder?
All these points mentioned above are subject of this website.

The Information flow

A good website can only be good and up-to-date, if many opinions, ideas and informations can be shared with others. For this purpose, we've got the following
email address:

Feel free to contact us!